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t-cell receptor中文是什么意思

用"t-cell receptor"造句"t-cell receptor"怎么读"t-cell receptor" in a sentence


  • t 细胞受体
  • t细胞受体


  • Effective activation of antigen - specific t cells not only requires the first signal transduction through t - cell receptor ( tcr ) binding with peptide - mhc complex on the antigen presenting cell ( apc ) , but also needs the second signal , termed costimulation . costimulation critical to the degree and consequence of t cell activation is provided by interaction between soluble factors or cell - surface molecules on the t cell and on the apc
    而t细胞的活化除需要t细胞受体( tcr )与抗原呈递细胞( antigenpresentingcell , apc )表面的抗原肽- mhc复合物结合所形成的第一信号外,还需要t细胞和apc表面的其它膜分子结合所提供的共刺激信号(亦称第二信号或辅助刺激信号, costimulatorysignal )的参与。
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